Text Dwellers

A recent journey through the book of John provided my study group a delightful, insightful new perspective regarding the time we spend in Bible study.

I have long found an anchor in the promise given by Jesus in John 14:23 to his disciples.

“Jesus answered him, ‘If someone loves me, he will keep my word; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.’”

But the author of the study claimed the original language of this passage could as well be translated, “If someone loves me, he will make his home in my word...”

This invitation is followed by the promise that doing so would invite the fullness of God to then make His home with us.

We resolved in that moment to not only delight in, cling to, and put our faith in the very words of God, but to make our home in the ancient, timeless truths on every page of Scripture.

At home in the Word